#!/usr/bin/bash if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) != 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/echo "only root can do that"; exit 2; fi #*************************************************************************** # This file is part of the CRYPTO BONE # File : processmessage-safewebdrop # Version : 1.6 (ALL-IN-ONE) # License : BSD # Date : 12 April 2023 # Contact : Please send enquiries and bug-reports to innovation@senderek.ie # # # Copyright (c) 2015-2023 # Ralf Senderek, Ireland. All rights reserved. (https://senderek.ie) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Ralf Senderek. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # #**************************************************************************** SOCK=/usr/lib/cryptobone/secrets.sock RAM="/dev/shm/RAM" #----------------------------------------------------# function log { if [[ $1 ]]; then echo "$(/usr/bin/date +'%x %X'): $1 " >> ${RAM}/log fi } function new_name { # $1 : directory # $2 : extension that is appended, if $2 exists # $3 : PREFIX without number extension NAME="" LAST="" typeset -i NUM=1 if [[ $1 ]] then if [[ $2 ]] then LAST=$(/usr/bin/ls $1/$3*.$2 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/tail -1) LAST=${LAST%.$2} else LAST=$(/usr/bin/ls $1/$3* 2> /dev/null | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/tail -1) fi LAST=${LAST##*.} LAST=${LAST#0} LAST=${LAST#0} LAST=${LAST#0} NUM=${LAST} NUM=${NUM}+1 PRE="mail" if [[ $3 ]]; then PRE=$3 fi if (( ${NUM} < 10 )) then NAME="${PRE}.000"${NUM} else if (( ${NUM} < 100 )) then NAME="${PRE}.00"${NUM} else if (( ${NUM} < 1000 )) then NAME="${PRE}.0"${NUM} else NAME="${PRE}."${NUM} fi fi fi fi if (( ${NUM} == 0 )) then NAME="${PRE}.0001" fi if [[ $2 ]] then NAME=${NAME}.$2 fi /usr/bin/echo ${NAME} } function decryptfile { if [[ $1 != "none" ]] ; then log "trying to decrypt $1 with $3" /usr/bin/echo "$2" | /usr/lib/cryptobone/bin/claes -decrypt $1 if (( $? == 0 )) ; then /usr/bin/rm -f $1 log "succes: file $1 decrypted" else echo $? fi fi } # check if $1 has an attachment LASTLINE=$(tail -1 $1) FILENAME="none" if [[ ${LASTLINE} != "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----" ]] ; then FILENAME=${RAM}/FILES/${LASTLINE##*: }.asc if [[ -r ${FILENAME} ]] ; then log "$1 has an attachment ${FILENAME}" fi fi if [[ $1x ]] then Success="false" Cleartextfile=${1%.asc} /usr/bin/echo "processing $1" Fromline=$(/usr/bin/grep "From: " $1) IFS=" " echo ${Fromline} | while read PRE FROM POST; do # found From address if (( ${FROM} != *@* )) then if (( ${FROM} != *%* )) then FROM=${POST#*<} FROM=${FROM%>*} fi fi # chop off < and > FROM=${FROM#*<} FROM=${FROM%>*} RES=$(/usr/bin/echo get-element key.${FROM}.key | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) if [[ ${RES} ]] then # now try to decrypt mail file with key /usr/bin/rm -f ${Cleartextfile} 2> /dev/null CLAES=$(decryptfile ${FILENAME} ${RES} "key") RES=$(/usr/bin/echo decrypt $1 ${RES} | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) NEXT=$(/usr/bin/tail -1 ${Cleartextfile}) if (( ${#NEXT} < 20 )) then # decryption failed with key, try nextkey RES=$(/usr/bin/echo get-element key.${FROM}.nextkey | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) if [[ ${RES} ]] then /usr/bin/rm -f ${Cleartextfile} 2> /dev/null CLAES=$(decryptfile ${FILENAME} ${RES} "nextkey") RES=$(/usr/bin/echo decrypt $1 ${RES} | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) NEXT=$(/usr/bin/tail -1 ${Cleartextfile}) if (( ${#NEXT} < 20 )) then # decryption failed with nextkey, try lastkey RES=$(/usr/bin/echo get-element key.${FROM}.lastkey | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) if [[ ${RES} ]] then /usr/bin/rm -f ${Cleartextfile} 2> /dev/null CLAES=$(decryptfile ${FILENAME} ${RES} "lastkey") RES=$(/usr/bin/echo decrypt $1 ${RES} | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) NEXT=$(/usr/bin/tail -1 ${Cleartextfile}) if (( ${#NEXT} < 20 )) then # all decryption failed, move to FORENSIC Newname=$(new_name $RAM/FORENSIC "" "") /usr/bin/mv $1 $RAM/FORENSIC/${Newname} /usr/bin/mv ${FILENAME} $RAM/FORENSIC/file-${Newname} Success="false" else Success="true" # make sure the key database does not change NEXT="" fi fi else Success="true" fi fi else Success="true" fi # update key table, if new key was found if [[ ${Success} = "true" ]] then echo "update the key database" if [[ ${NEXT} ]] then # check if nextkey is "none" RES=$(/usr/bin/echo get-element key.${FROM}.nextkey | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) if [[ ${RES} ]] then # nextkey does not exist # create a set of entries /usr/bin/echo write key.${FROM}.nextkey "none" | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null /usr/bin/echo write key.${FROM}.lastkey "none" | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null /usr/bin/echo write key.${FROM}.flag "false" | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null fi RES=$(/usr/bin/echo get-element key.${FROM}.nextkey | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null) if [[ ${RES} != "none" ]] then if [[ ${RES} != "${NEXT}" ]] then # key rollover /usr/bin/echo replace key.${FROM}.key ${RES} | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null /usr/bin/echo replace key.${FROM}.nextkey ${NEXT} | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null # reset the flag as there is a new nextkey to be used next time /usr/bin/echo replace key.${FROM}.flag "false" | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null else # do nothing, as the current nextkey has been re-used /usr/bin/echo > /dev/null fi else # first message received, nothing sent yet # do not change key, but update nextkey /usr/bin/echo replace key.${FROM}.nextkey ${NEXT} | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null /usr/bin/echo replace key.${FROM}.flag "false" | /usr/bin/socat -t15 - UNIX-connect:$SOCK 2> /dev/null fi fi # move clear text with a new number to MESSAGES # destroy the last line in ${Cleartextfile}, as it contains the key # count the lines, the last line does not count as it does not end in \n typeset -i LINES=$(/usr/bin/cat ${Cleartextfile} | /usr/bin/wc -l) Newname=$(new_name $RAM/MESSAGES "" "${FROM}") /usr/bin/head -n ${LINES} ${Cleartextfile} > $RAM/MESSAGES/${Newname} /usr/bin/chmod 600 $RAM/MESSAGES/${Newname} /usr/bin/chown root $RAM/MESSAGES/${Newname} /usr/bin/rm -f ${Cleartextfile} fi fi done fi exit 0 #****************************************************************************